Feminism is for everybody! A 2014 study done across 15 different countries found that only 48% of men identify as feminists compared to 57% of women. What causes such a gap in these two numbers? In the dynamic landscape of the 21st century, feminism has undergone a profound evolution. Feminism emerged as a powerful force, a movement that started to safeguard the rights of diverse women and girls, fueled by an unwavering vision of achieving gender equality for all.
Let’s debunk a pervasive myth that has been clinging to the concept of feminism: The notion that only women can be a feminist. Brace yourself for a truth bomb - Being a feminist isn’t a gender-exclusive club. Being a feminist means believing every gender deserves a fair shot at the same opportunities. Dispelling another myth that feminists harbor animosity towards men, it’s crucial to understand that feminism, while rooted in the word ‘feminine’ or ‘female,’ is fundamentally about seeking equality, visibility, and fair treatment. Far beyond focusing solely on gender issues, feminism challenges traditional expectations placed on men, aiming to create a world where individuals can create a world where individuals can freely express themselves without the burden of societal standards.
The evolution of feminism’s definition, from its inception to today, has stirred debates about its impact on men. “Some of them have noted that this type of discourse of blaming men is developing into a prejudice toward men,” according to Tinka Schubert, highlighting the shift from the movement’s original aim of equality for all genders. Even authors West and Zimmerman noted a skepticism towards men identifying as feminists in the early 1970s, with women judging them solely based on their gender. Interestingly, a recent Ipsos article reveals that, “most men acknowledge women face inequality most men (58%) think “things have gone far enough.” This perspective suggests a belief among some men that the fight for women’s equality has led to the discrimination against them, fostering a norm where men feel compelled to support equality.
At the end of the day, feminists are simply people who believe that everyone should have equal rights. It’s not an exclusive club that exists only for the welfare of one gender or group. Feminism is for everyone because it impacts us all in so many ways. From the gender wage gap to household responsibilities to mental health, the feminist movement is shaping a better future. Equal rights are a cause worth fighting for, and in order to win it will require all of us. We cannot afford to have people not align with feminism because of untrue myths and misconceptions if we want to succeed. For us to win, it will take all of us.